Hello there, thanks for stopping by for my presentation and blog. I’m Ken Friberg. Nice to meet you.
I’m a 30 something (dog loving) IT professional with over 15 years of experience working with Industrial Automation, Enterprise Citrix/Remote Desktop/Server administration and Software Development. This includes a love of infrastructure as code and an appreciation of the cloud (AWS, Azure, and Linode). I have a Associate of Science in Electronics Engineering along with a passion for all things technology.
In regards to programming I try to find the best tool for the job. I enjoy Python and Java programming with some JavaScript throw in occasionally. Recently been trying my hand at Go. I also try to align my application development with the Twelve Factor best practices.
The purpose of this blog is to document my journey in learning along with the interesting things I find with technology. If you find anything I share of interest feel free to subscribe to stay up-to-date with what I post. Also feel free to comment and tell me what you think or tell me I’m wrong (hopefully in a nice way). I’ll do my best to respond. Discussion/community/outside ideas… it’s how we make things better.
See you out there…